Sarah Hayes 443i Logo

Current availability

We are usually booked 4-6 weeks ahead for full custom Joomla website development projects and 2-3 weeks ahead for custom template work and Joomla training. However, we are currently experiencing high demand due to Joomla 4  and 5 upgrades and PHP 7.4 reaching EOL.

Historically certain times of the year tend to be busier or quieter than others. January to May/June is historically very busy, whereas July to September is usually quiet.

  • Custom Joomla template development - currently booking 4-6 weeks ahead

  • Full Joomla website projects - currently booking projects to commence in 4-8 weeks ahead

  • Joomla 4 upgrades - 4-8 weeks ahead

  • E-commerce & CRM projects - currently booking to commence projects 4-8 weeks ahead

  • Custom data migration scripts - 4-6 weeks ahead

  • Custom Joomla Components - 12-16 weeks ahead

  • Upgrading/re-coding Custom Joomla Components from previous versions of Joomla to Joomla 5 - 12-16 weeks ahead

  • Joomla training - currently booking 2-4 weeks ahead

  • Audits - currently booking 1-2 weeks ahead

Projects are booked in on a first come first served basis. Projects are not booked in until initial payment/deposit have been received.

Current availability