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Try our Joomla website price builder

Joomla web design price calculatorOur website cost calculator is a real-time calculator, that will show you exactly how much everything costs. You can go through, see our pricing and pick and choose different features. If at the end of the process, you choose to submit it to us, we will be please to contact you to discuss your requirements in more detail, but you are under no obligation to.

All websites include:

  • Install and configure the latest version of Joomla
  • Custom designed Joomla template
  • Up to 10 pages including Home page and Contact Us page
  • Contact us page with Google map (if required)
  • News and/or Blog (if required)
  • Site search (if required)
  • User login (if required)
  • WYSIWYG editor or Page Builder (depending on the package)
  • JCE Editor (free)
  • Akeeba Backup (free)
  • Accept Cookies plug-in

Add only the features you need. Start by selecting a base website and then work through the tabs below, to see the available features, and select the ones you need. You can move back and forth between tabs. If you can't find a feature you need, don't worry, just let us know what other features you require. Our pricing is transparent and this calculator is to give you a good idea of cost, before you contact us. You can see how much everything costs, up front. In fact, we use this calculator ourselves, when preparing your quote.

Click on the information icon to see more details about each item or feature.

If you can't see what you're looking for, please contact us

NameShort descriptionSelectPriceTotal
Step 1 - Base package Select all
Faststart offers a choice of customised pre-made templates plus page builder.
£1,575.00 £0.00
Our Custom Joomla websites including your unique custom-designed Joomla template.
£2,520.00 £0.00
Our Premium Bespoke Joomla websites include the design and build of your Premium Bespoke Joomla template.
£5,400.00 £0.00
from £540.00
£540.00 £0.00
Unique custom-designed Joomla template for your existing Joomla 4 or 5 website.
£1,800.00 £0.00
Customise YOOtheme Pro template for your existing Joomla 4 or 5 website.
£945.00 £0.00
Subtotal on category "Step 1 - Base package" : £0.00
NameShort descriptionSelectPriceTotal
Step 2 - Additional Functionality Select all
Add online shop functionality to your Joomla website with either Phoca Cart, DJ Catalog2, eShop or Virtuemart.
£1,440.00 £0.00
Add Food Delivery, Take-Away and/or Table Reservation to your Joomla website. Includes styling/theme and up to 5 template overrides.
£1,800.00 £0.00
Membership Subscription Management extension.
£720.00 £0.00
EDocman Document Download Manager
£720.00 £0.00
Customised Event Booking, especially for online course bookings
£1,440.00 £0.00
Configure multilingual website per language. Select the number of additional languages you require.
£720.00 £0.00
Install and configure Event Booking.
£1,080.00 £0.00
LMS/online courses, online assessments/quizzes. Includes styling and up to 5 template overrides.
£1,800.00 £0.00
Fully featured LMS/online courses, online assessments/quizzes. Includes styling/theme and template overrides.
£3,600.00 £0.00
Suitable for appointments, services and room hire. Includes styling/theme and up to 5 template overrides.
£1,440.00 £0.00
Install and configure Hotel/B&B booking system. Includes styling/theme and up to 5 template overrides.
£3,600.00 £0.00
Property rentals, car rentals, plant hire, any other type of hire or rentals.
£2,880.00 £0.00
Classified adverts, car sales, and general adverts. Includes styling/theme.
£2,520.00 £0.00
Install YooTheme WidgetKit and create up to 3 widgets - gallery, slideshow, grid, switcher, slideset, accordion, parallax and Google map.
£360.00 £0.00
Install and configure CK Page Builder.
£90.00 £0.00
Other extensions
More Details
If the extension you require is not listed here, typically the cost of installation, configuration and styling/theme, will be from £720. Please select the number of other extension you require.
£720.00 £0.00
Prices for bespoke Joomla components start from £2500.00, including the discovery phase.
£2,500.00 £0.00
Events Calendar with option to integrate Google Calendar
£720.00 £0.00
Add fundraising and donations to your website.
£1,440.00 £0.00
Property to sell or let.
£3,600.00 £0.00
Subtotal on category "Step 2 - Additional Functionality" : £0.00
NameShort descriptionSelectPriceTotal
Step 3 - Extra pages, content & data Select all
How many extra basic article pages would you like us to add?
£25.00 £0.00
How many extra standard article pages, or pages built with a page builder template, would you like us to add?
£45.00 £0.00
How many extra complex article pages, or page builder pages, would you like us to add for you?
£75.00 £0.00
301 Redirects/URL Protection
£3.00 £0.00
Add (over and above what is already included) additional online courses with up to 20 lessons, 100 question exam/assessment and 1 certificate. Select the number of additional courses
£1,440.00 £0.00
10 pages already included
More Details
All packages include up to 10 pages, including home page and contact us page.
£0.00 £0.00
10 graphics - photos, illustrations, icons, call-to-action graphics. Select the number of packs required.
£360.00 £0.00
Blocks of up to 10 events added at the same time
£90.00 £0.00
Blocks of up to 10 products added at the same time
£90.00 £0.00
Add additional documents (over and above what is already included)
More Details
Blocks of up to 10 documents added at the same time
£90.00 £0.00
Select the number of unique certificates required
£180.00 £0.00
Block of 5 hours
£175.00 £0.00
Create complex builder page layouts and reusable layout templates
£180.00 £0.00
Add multilingual pages including associates and related menu item. From £45.00 per page.
£45.00 £0.00
Subtotal on category "Step 3 - Extra pages, content & data" : £0.00
NameShort descriptionSelectPriceTotal
Step 4 - Plugins & extras Select all
Install and configure JCE Editor (free or pro). if you require the Pro version then there will be an annual subscription (free for our hosting customers).
£0.00 £0.00
Install and configure Akeeba backup (free or pro)
£0.00 £0.00
Adding up to 2 Google Maps, each with one location, on either your contact page or site footer. (Normally only required on websites without a page builder)
£0.00 £0.00
To display multiple maps or maps with multiple locations. Prices will vary depending on the number of maps and locations. From £25.00. (Not normally required for YOOtheme Pro websites or websites with a page builder)
£25.00 £0.00
Install Tabs & Sliders plugins or styling and editor templates for Bootstrap Tabs and Accordions. (Normally only required on websites without a page builder or YOOtheme Pro websites)
£45.00 £0.00
Embedded YouTube videos
More Details
Embed YouTube video into an article or module. (Not normally required for YOOtheme Pro websites or websites with a page builder)
£25.00 £0.00
Install and configure a gallery or slider. (Not normally required for YOOtheme Pro websites or websites with a page builder)
£45.00 £0.00
Install and configure forms component and create up to 2 standard form, including styling as required. Additional forms from £45.00 each.
£90.00 £0.00
Create custom forms with conditional logic, multi-page forms, order forms, integrate with PayPal and Stripe. Cost is per form, please select the number of forms required. From £90.00 per form.
£90.00 £0.00
Install, configure and style related articles module
£225.00 £0.00
Install social media sharing and/or social media auto posting extensions
£720.00 £0.00
Flipping Book
More Details
Install and configure Flipping Book extension, with up to 5 books, from PDF documents you provided.
£360.00 £0.00
Integrate Google Reviews
More Details
Including styling
£180.00 £0.00
Including styling.
£180.00 £0.00
Video Gallery
More Details
Display multiple videos in a gallery style layout
£180.00 £0.00
Integrate Google + Facebook Reviews
More Details
Install and configure. Includes styling.
£180.00 £0.00
Akeeba Admin Tools
More Details
Install and configure AdminTools Pro
£180.00 £0.00
Subtotal on category "Step 4 - Plugins & extras" : £0.00
NameShort descriptionSelectPriceTotal
Upgrades & Migrations Select all
Migrate core Joomla articles, including custom fields and tags, and menu items from a previous version of Joomla. We can also migrate core data for contacts and users. Prices from £360.00
£360.00 £0.00
We can migrate your existing K2 items to Joomla articles.
£720.00 £0.00
Migrate Joomla users from a previous version of Joomla or another Joomla website. Prices from £180.00.
£180.00 £0.00
Upgrade your Joomla website from Joomla 1.0, 1.5, 1.7, 2.5 or 3 and migrate core content - Prices from
£675.00 £0.00
Subtotal on category "Upgrades & Migrations" : £0.00
Total : £0.00