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Our Joomla Portfolio

What you'll immediately notice when comparing our portfolio to others is that our websites don't resemble generic templates. Each one is uniquely crafted and custom-designed to reflect the specific needs and brand identity of our clients.

With over 28 years designing and developing websites, we have created 100's of websites and we have clients that have been with us since 2002. This portfolio is a very small selection, that shows the different types of websites, businesses and organisations we work with. Clients including the U3A, Neutradol, CityLink, One Direction, local authorities, NHS and other web developers.

Many of the websites we develop are large-scale projects with complex, behind-the-scenes functionality. Every site is designed and built in-house here in the UK  — we never subcontract. This ensures the highest level of quality, consistency, and direct collaboration throughout the development process.

Click on the images below to view each website project. You will see that all our websites are crafted with precision and attention to detail, ensuring an exceptional user experience across all devices. We dedicate time to optimise each site for mobile users, providing seamless navigation and responsive design.

Sarah Hayes Joomla Portfolio

Exceptional user experience across all devices

If you visit any of these websites, please remember that they are live websites and not demos.
Please do not make bookings or place orders unless you intend to make a purchase.

Joomla Portfolio

If you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.