Keeping your Joomla website safe
We offer a comprehensive Joomla website security monitoring and protection service.
Our website security monitoring service is suitable for customers who host their own websites. All our Managed Hosting Plans already include this service.
We will:
Monitor your Joomla website
Install and configure RSFirewall or Admin Tools Pro
Monitor RSFirewall or Admin Tools Pro
Password protect administrator directory
Access to administrator area monitored for both sucessful and failed access attempts
Monitor changes to key system files
Block access from specific countries or IP addresses
Automatically block IPs that attack your website
System administration lockdown protecting against unauthorised changes to administrator accounts, creating administrator accounts etc
Lockdown preventing against unauthorised install/uninstall of extensions
Keep track of attackers
Spam protection for forms
Protection from brute-force attacks
Server side scanning identifies all types of malware, website errors, SPAM injections, database connection issues and anomalies that require attention.
Protection through SQL, XASS and LFI filters and known malware
When we identify a problem we will investigate and we will notify you via email through our support ticket system should there be a need to.
Weekly full security audit of your website
Check Joomla core files for integrity
Find and fix insecure file and folder permissions
Notify you of any extensions that require updating or attention
The cost of this service is:
£550.00 paid annually. That's only £1.50 per day!
You will be transferred to our customer support site to purchase your hosting plan. Payment by Debit/Credit card, PayPal or Bank Transfer