What you can expect for your project budget
So that we can prepare a realistic proposal and quotation we need to have an idea of your budget and the level of service you expect and require. Discussing budgets can be a tricky subject as clients are sometimes unwilling to specify a sum for fear of being overcharged. However, in my experience, discussion of approximate budgets is essential for a successful project.
All products and services come with various levels of functionality, quality, durability and after-sales service, all of which will affect the price. Website development is no different and it is therefore important to know what level of budget you have, so that we can advise you accordingly.
Should there be budgeting problems, we can work with you, to find an alternative solution and deliver a project that still meets your requirements, perhaps by removing some of the less essential functionality, or looking at phasing the project in such a way as to provide revenue stream coming in from Phase One, allowing the funding of Phase Two. In this way we can deliver a project that meets both your requirements and is within your budget.
To give you an idea of cost we have provided Price Builders/Website cost calculator. This enables you can work out an estimated price for your project. You can also see the level of service that is available for your budget.
We offer a range of service levels to suit most budgets and organisation structures. We understand that some organisations prefer telephone or face-to-face meetings throughout the planning and development of their website, while others are happy to correspond mainly by email and perhaps just an initial telephone call. You can choose the level of service that suits the way you like to work and your budget.
Examples of what you can expect within these budget ranges
Typically projects under £2,000
Customers who prefer to correspond via telephone and email
Suitable for our entry level Joomla websites and packages.
Customisation of one of our existing templates or theme
A few extras such as image sliders, galleries & event booking
Initial 30-60 minute telephone or Zoom call discovery meeting
Correspondence via our customer support ticket system
Typically projects between £2,000 and £3,600
Customers who prefer to correspond via telephone and email, with one or two face-to-face meetings via Zoom
Suitable for our custom designed websites or an entry level website needing additional functionality
Entry level e-commerce, event booking, online courses etc
2 to 3 x 1 Hour meetings via telephone or Zoom
Correspondence via our customer support ticket system
UX and inclusive design
Typically projects between £3,600 and £5,400
Customers who prefer face-to-face contact. Meetings via Zoom
Suitable for entry into our Bespoke Pro level
Ideal for Ecommerce, LMS, Online Booking, Estate and Letting Agencies
Agreed number of face to face meeting via Zoom
Correspondence via our customer support ticket system
Website strategy
UX and inclusive design
Storyboards and prototypes
SEO for up to 10 key pages
May include custom scripts for data migration
Typically projects between £5,400 and £10,000
Complex Bespoke Joomla projects requiring a higher level of pro-active consultancy and involvement
High level of pro-active consultancy and support
Agreed level of telephone consultancy and support during development
Agreed level of face-to-face and/or Zoom meetings during development
Correspondence via our customer support ticket system
Pro-active consultancy and website stragegy
UX and inclusive design
Storyboards and prototypes
Search engine optimisation
May include custom Joomla components
Idea for larger organisations that require a higher level of pro-active involvement
Suitable for organisations where involvement with a board or committee is required
Typically projects between £10,000 and £20,000
Complex Bespoke Joomla, which can include custom Joomla component development
High level of pro-active consultancy and support
Agreed level of telephone consultancy and support during development
Agreed level of face-to-face meetings during development
Correspondence via our customer support ticket system
Pro-active consultancy and website stragegy
UX and inclusive design
Storyboards and prototypes
Search engine optimisation
May include custom Joomla components
Idea for larger organisations that require a higher level of pro-active involvement
Suitable for organisations where involvement with a board or committee is required
Typically projects over £20,000
Complex Bespoke Joomla, which can include custom Joomla component development or custom PHP development
High level of pro-active consultancy and support
Agreed level of telephone consultancy and support during development
Agreed level of face-to-face meetings during development
Correspondence via our customer support ticket system
Pro-active consultancy and website stragegy
UX and inclusive design
Storyboards and prototypes
Search engine optimisation
May include custom Joomla components
Idea for larger organisations that require a higher level of pro-active involvement
Suitable for organisations where involvement with a board or committee is required