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Now is the time to plan your upgrade to Joomla 5

Joomla 3 is no longer receiving any security or bug updates. In addition to this, PHP 7.4 reached end of life on 22nd November 2022. If you haven't already, now is the time upgrade to Joomla 5.

Are you waiting for Joomla 5 compatible extensions or templates?

If you are still waiting for extensions or templates that are not yet compatible with Joomla 5, we would advise you to contact the extension or template developer and ask for a definative timeline for a stable release of their extension or template and written confirmation that they do intend to release a Joomla 5 version, within the next 3-6 months.

If they cannot give you a timeline for release, or confirmation, you need to seriously consider if they intend to release a Joomla 5 version. Joomla 4 was many years in development, with Alpha, Beta and Release Candidate versions available for anyone to download and test. Developers have had plenty of time to get their extensions and templates ready. Many of the best extensions, were ready when Joomla 4 was released in August 2021. If there isn't a Joomla 4 version of the extension or template available yet, and no definative timeline for release, it is unlikely that they ever plan to release one.

Unfortunately some extension and template developers are just dragging out the lifespan of their existing Joomla 3 extensions and templates, for as long as they can, with no plans to invest time in developing Joomla 4 and 5 versions. Some template developers are only creating new Joomla 4 and 5 templates and not making any Joomla 3 template compatible.

Upgrading to Joomla 4

What does this mean for your Joomla website?

Don't panic! There are many excellent and dedicated Joomla extension and template developers actively developing for Joomla 5. In some ways, this is good, because it sifts the wheat from the chaff. Who wants an extension developer who isn't invested in their extensions and customers?

Even if your existing extension isn't going to be available for Joomla 5, we can help you by sourcing an alternative extension and carrying out any work necessary to move your existing data and files over to the new extension.

Templates, as with extensions, need to be Joomla 5 compatible. If your existing Joomla 3 template isn't available for Joomla 5, we can build you your own custom template. This can either follow the same design and layout as your existing template, or we can use this opportunity to refresh or redesign a completely new template, that follows your branding.

Unlike commercial templates, that are built for a mass market, all of our custom designed templates are built for your website, and your website only. This means that your website be unique. We design around your specific needs and website content. You will never have to try and fit your content into the design, or create content just to fill space and module positions.

Joomla 5 Upgrade Service from £675.00

Prices will vary, depending on how many extensions and plug-ins you have installed, if there are Joomla 5 versions of the extensions available, or if we need to remove incompatible extensions and source, install and configure new extensions. Your Joomla 3 template will not be compatible with Joomla 5, so this will also need to be upgraded or replaced.

Services for Design Agencies

If you are a design or media agency and you need help upgrading your client's websites to Joomla 5, look no further.

We can undertake your Joomla 5 upgrade work, including creating custom Joomla 5 templates. The client will remain your client, and unless you choose to tell them, they will never know we exist.

Has your Joomla upgrade failed?

If you have already tried to upgrade your website to Joomla 5, but it has failed, you will need to restore from a recent backup (taken before the attempted upgrade).

If you are having trouble restoring, or you don't have a backup to restore too, or you'd like us to undertake the upgrade for you, please contact us and we will see what we can do to help.

What included in our Joomla 5 pre-upgrade website and security audit:

Joomla 3 comes with a built-in, pre-upgrade checker. But as you will know if you've tried it, it often leaves you with more questions than answers. Many people go ahead and try to upgrade their website, only for the upgrade to fail. Our pre-upgrade Joomla 5 website and security audit, answers these questions. You can then choose to either upgrade your website yourself, or we can upgrade it for you.

  • First we will run a security audit of your website

  • We scan your website files for potentially malicious code and hacks

  • We check that your Joomla website is configured correctly

  • We check that all your Joomla extensions and plugins have been correctly installed and configured

  • We check your extensions against the known extension vulnerabilities list

  • We review your hosting environment and check that it meets the minimum requirements for Joomla 5

  • We manually review all your extensions and plugins, and check if there is a Joomla 5 compatible version

  • If there isn't a Joomla 5 compatible version of your extensions or plugins available, we will recommend suitable alternatives and a course of action

  • We check if there is a Joomla 5 version of your template available and if not we will explain the options to you.

  • We will carry out a proof of concept upgrade

  • Report and a no obligation quote to upgrade your website to Joomla 4

Cost of our pre-upgrade Joomla 5 security and website audit, including proof of concept upgrade is £395.00.

You will be transferred to our customer support site to your pre-upgrade audit. Payment by Debit/Credit card, PayPal or Bank Transfer

If you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.